
When I got my camera I was blissfully unaware of ISO, shutter speed and aperture. All I knew was the 'auto' dial at the top of the camera body and that it would allow me to take all the scenes, people and landscapes my little eye would 'spy'. I decided to take things one step further and go on a photography course, to learn everything I could about my camera and taking photos. It ran for 8weeks and opened up a whole new world for me. I have learnt how important light is in a photo - after all, photography is 'painting with light'.
I sometimes feel a little frustrated, as I am still struggling with the concept of 'light' and correct exposure. Sometimes I get the most beautiful photo ever and sometimes I totally miss the plot and my photos are either too bright, or too dark. I guess that's the thing with learning something new, one has to go through all the stages to get to the top. Just wish it could be a little easier sometimes...I just have to keep telling myself; 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going'. I cannot quit. I won't quit. I must just push through to the end - it will b worth it in the end.

Don't get me wrong: I am very glad I did the course, it helped me to understand my camera much more and to know what it can do for me. It has also made me realize that this is what I really want and love to do and what I am passionate about. As a little girl, I never realized that photography could be a job and that people were actually making a living from it. Had I known this, I most probably would have studied this a long time ago already and not gone into the textile industry :) I won't dwell on the past though, this is the future...my future and i will make the most of it, learn all I can and have fun all along the way as I go...