
My first wedding shoot!

My - how time just flies again! Started my full time job and unfortunately my photography has been taking the 'backseat for a little while again. I also started teaching a Photoshop Intro course in the evenings which kept me very busy and on my toes this past month :)Besides teaching and starting my full-time job, I did my first ever 'solo' wedding on the 7th Jan. Yay! I really wanted to try it out and see if this is something I could do and lo!! I LOVED DOING IT!!! :) I needed to get some photos together to start a portfolio for myself.Shooting the wedding was a little nerve wrecking(!!!) ...actually tons! but also awesome at the same time. I went to the venue beforehand (3 times) to decide how and where I wanted to take my photos - I even created little cards with pose ideas on them in case I would hit a 'blank' & forget. Somehow, I managed to remeber all the poses that I liked best and yes, some parts left me feeling a bit frustrated, but all in all I am very pleased with the result. I didn't have much time to photograph the couple and had to think very quick on my feet to get the results I wanted. Phew!! And I managed to do it :) Firstly, I feel so honoured to have been asked to take these pictures...it feels like such a huge responsibillity, but at the same time it is also so very special to see two people who are so in love and to be able to document it in a photo. Im always such a sucker for romance! :) I'd love to hear what you think of the photos. I edited some in Adobe, to get a greater colour effect. I struggled using my off camera flash and exposing correctly for the background - so in some pics I needed to get a bit creative to wow the bride :) but I dare say, most of my photos came out beautifully and I am very pleased with the end result. I am actually very proud of myself! I managed to give the couple 600 pics to that in itself is realy awesome!

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